In Septemeber 2008, I traveled 6000 miles to Haiti's Kenscoff mountains. My mission: to care for some of the orphaned and abandoned, the sick, malnourished and premature infants of this beautiful but beleagured Caribbean nation.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Keeping A Miracle Alive

Just before mid-day yesterday, a tiny 2lb 9oz miracle came through our gates.

Woodson was born 9 weeks early, at home. His birth was not attended by a Doctor or a midwife, and the baby survived for 10 days without any medical care.

He was slightly dehydrated and hypothermic when he was brought up to the NICU at God's Littlest Angles, but he looked good......... until we warmed him up.
Once his temperature normalized, his body needed more oxygen to function. Woodson stopped breathing several times. His oxygen levels fell, along with his heart rate and he became agitated and irritable.

The muscles in his chest wall were weak and his lungs were not fully developed. His body just wasn't strong enough or mature enough for the work of breathing.

Thankfully, God's Littlest Angles has been blessed by with a low technology system called bubble CPAP, which provides respiratory support to sick and premature infants. Within minutes of being hooked up to this apparatus, Woodson was breathing easily. It was deeply affecting to watch this struggling infant instantly settle into a regular breathing pattern.

God's strength and grace sustained this baby for the past 10 days. As I watch Woodson sleep peacefully tonight, I am mindful, just as I was yesterday, of God's mercies; they are new every morning.

Woodson is the first baby to benefit of CPAP at GLA. How amazing and wonderful to have the means to keep a miracle alive.


Carla said...

The Lord's loving kindnesses indeed never cease; for His mercies never fail. Great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

Thank you LORD for the CPAP machine and Susan's training in using it!

Catherine said...

this is great that you can use the CPAP technic on Woodson... praying for him.
Catherine and Youna... sleeping...

Ithappenstobehaiti said...

I am so glad you were able to see your training pay off. Thanks for all you do each and every day in Haiti. What a blessing you are!

Cheryl said...

Thankful for modern technology being able to be used in Haiti! Thankful also for you Susan and the training you were able to receive to use it to help the babies of Haiti.

Faith said...

My preemie came to us at under 2 pounds. She is now 6 1/2 years old, and the joy of our lives. Miracles happen, whether USA or Haiti. I am praying for the very best results for this new miracle!!
God is good, all the time!!