In Septemeber 2008, I traveled 6000 miles to Haiti's Kenscoff mountains. My mission: to care for some of the orphaned and abandoned, the sick, malnourished and premature infants of this beautiful but beleagured Caribbean nation.

Monday 26 July 2010

And Then There Were 35

In the last week, 2 children left our baby house. Miloudrine, who came to us at the end of February, weighing 17lb at 2 years of age was reunited with her family. She gained 9lb in the shorttime she was with us. Her Father is now in work and we hope that our shy little girl will continue to receive proper care at home, and that she will continue to grow and thrive, there, just as she did here.

The second child to leave was two year old Jerry. Jerry arrived at GLA shortly before Miloudrine did, after his orphanage was damaged by the earthquake that struck Haiti at the beginning of the year. Jerry showed obvious signs of trauma; he was very sad and withdrawn and would not eat. A few weeks of loving care, in a stable environment, in which all of his needs were met, were all that Jerry needed to feel safe and secure. We transitioned him to the toddler house over a two week period, and we enrolled him in the pre-school programme that runs there. Hopefully, Jerry is settling into his new routine. He is only a mile away, yet most of the main house staff will have no further contact with him.

Goodbyes are always bitter-sweet at God's Littlest Angels. They are harder than ever this year.

Miloudrine and Jerry's departures leave us with 35 children. I will introduce you to some of our newest arrivals over the next few days.........

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