In Septemeber 2008, I traveled 6000 miles to Haiti's Kenscoff mountains. My mission: to care for some of the orphaned and abandoned, the sick, malnourished and premature infants of this beautiful but beleagured Caribbean nation.

Monday 1 June 2009

He Came Through Again

We got the results of 'Baby S's' CT scan on Friday night. They were disappointing. We were advised that it was highly unlikely that any neuro-surgeon in the developed world would agree to operate on an infant with Baby S's diagnosis, which was hydro-ancephaly, meaning that she is hydrocephalic but that under all that fluid, there isn't much brain tissue. Discouragement entered my heart....for a moment.

Discouragement though, was quickly upstaged by hope. So many people have been praying for this sweet girl; that God would enter into her life and take authority, that his will would be done and any obstacles in her path would be swept aside. I didn't doubt that if God wanted Baby S to have surgery, it would happen, however bleak things looked.

This morning, all the nurses on site, Haitian, Scottish and American agreed that that Baby S did not behave like an infant with ancephaly. She seems quite alert. She likes to be held and rocked, and she likes to be touched and sang to.

Early in the afternoon, Dixie received a call from the USA. A neuro-surgeon in California had accepted Baby S, a host family had been identified and two ladies were ready and waiting for the call to come to Haiti and escort her to the states.

If you have been praying for our little lady, please don't stop now. Her head circumference went up today, so I am acutely aware that we desperately need the US and Haitian authorities to expedite the paperwork that will be needed to get Sabrina to California.

We are so grateful for the people in the USA who have worked hard to secure care for this vulnerable baby. We are grateful to the God who works through them and through us. And we are encouraged by so many 'small things'. Baby is feeding better than she did at first and her seizures are under control. I thought she might be having a seizure today when I saw her smacking her lips, but then, she brought her hand up to her mouth and began sucking it and fussing. baby S was hungry and she was letting us know about it. Such a normal behaviour, such a relief to witness it.


Catherine said...

praying and beeing in my thoughts all the time.....

nicnacpaddywac said...

She's in my thoughts. So heartwarming to hear of her showing her hunger - seems like a fabulous sign of things to come for this little one.