He came to us from an orphanage that was badly damaged by the magnitude 7 earthquake that rocked Haiti on the 12th of January. The children at that orphanage have been sleeping outside, and they have not been receiving adequate food or even the most basic of medicines.
Peterson has pneumonia, profuse diarrhoea and a heavy infestation of worms. Had he not been transferred to God's Littlest Angels, I don't not believe he would have lived to see the weekend. He was on IV fluids up until this morning. It is very important that we begin re-nourishing this baby, who is so weak that he can barely open his eyes.
Meludrine is two years old. She weighs 17lb and was admitted last night. She is tiny for her age and she has a very bad case of infected scabies. Her Father wants to give her up for adoption. He says that he has no choice. The little girl's Mother died as a result of injuries she sustain
Baby Valentine was born shortly after the earthquake, to a teen aged Mother who has severe mental health problems. Valentine has been in the care of relatives and hasn't received a single drop of milk since her birth; even if her Aunt had the money to buy formula, she wouldn't have found any on the empty shelves of Haiti's stores. These are precarious days for orphaned infants.
Valentines is the worst case of malnutrition I have ever seen. She weighs 3lb 12 oz. There isn't an ounce of fat on her tiny frame. I can count every rib, and every vertebrae in her spine. She is severely dehydrated and also severely anaemic.
I travelled into the Haitian countryside today to collect Valentine. She managed to tolerate 40 ml of oral rehydration solution through a feeding tube, during the two hours it took for us to reach GLA.. Tonight, we will slowly introduce milk feeds. Valentine is starving to
death. It is a miracle that she survived a month, receiving only small amounts of fruit puree. It will take another miracle, for Valentine's embattled body to tolerate nutrition. When she arrived at GLA, her heart beat was slow and irregular. That is not a good sign, and yet, she is alive, and she is breathing, and so there is hope, I promise you that.
Peterson, Meludrine and Valentine; three names, three faces, three stories. Multiply their misery a hundred thousand times over, if you can. That is what you need to do, to come close to conceiving the suffering of Haiti's children.
As the attention of the world media shifts away from our beautiful but beleaguered nation, please do not forget the continued suffering, and ongoing need. I urge you to pray about how you should respond to the crisis in this country.
All of them break my heart. I pray each night that the children are brought to you in time. Sometimes I wonder why I come here to see such heartache but I know I am lead to pray for these children. I have like 5 cases of Pediasure that my baby cannot take. Can you receive this if I pay the shipping? Do you even need it?
Thank you again for updating your blog and giving us specific ways to pray for Haiti. I have fallen in love with Gods Littlest Angels and check several times a day both here and on the site for updates. I am praying that beauty will rise from the ashes. I wish there was something tangible our family could do for you. If you can think of something, please let us know. For now we will pray for the newest three orphans you have mentioned. Thank you for your tireless service. God certainly has you in a special place.
BLESSINGS to you. We have our two home and are praying every night for the other children in Haiti! Thank you for all you are doing in the Lord's name.
I will be shipping the pediasure today. Could you use barely worn little girls clothing, 24mth.-2T. We also have some leather shoes that she has barely worn and she doesn't walk so they are in good shape. If not I understand, but otherwise I just give it to Goodwill. You and your children will continue in our prayers. I am keeping in mind how to get a CPAP donated in someway for your fragile babies.
I am wondering if there is any way to consistently support families/parents that cannot provide and so choose to put their children up for adoption. Is there anyway to give through GLA to families that come for help, so that they have long term provision without having to give up their children? If GLA does not do this, do you know of Haitian ministries that do?
Praying for these sweet little ones.
Jacci in Ohio
Thank you so much for keeping us updated with your life in GLA. I met you beginning of Jan, I was in GLA to appear in front of the judge for my son Wally. He's been home for a month now and he's doing very well. But I can't forget the other children in Haiti, I can't help but thinking of them. I feel helpless here as I can't do anything for them. I'm not a doctor, I'm not a nurse...thank you for all you do for those kids. I read your blog very regularly and it helps to know you're there for them.
God bless you Susan.
With all my heart I thank you.
Laurence, Wally's mom
Can't begin to think what struggles the children and people of Haiti are going through,however if there support comes from angels like yourself,I know they are in good hands. Please continue the with all love and care that you give to all your special little ones.
I have a weep when I read your blog.
You are in my thoughts every day.
Lots of love from auntie Kay.
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