Francisca is here with her young mother. Francisca's blood sugar was low when she was admitted and within hours of arriving, her oxygen level had dropped and her brea
thing became laboured. She was given IV dextrose and she was started on bubble CPAP. 30 minutes later, she had stabalized.
Over the past few days, Francisca has been unable to digest breast milk. She began to have apnoeas (periods during which she stops breathing, and her heart rate drops.) Her CPAP is running with compressed air and a small flow of supplemental oxygen. The force from the CPAP gasses helps Francisca with her breathing and prevents the apnoeic spells.
While this baby fights her infection, she is receiving respiratory support in her incubator, together with IV fluids and antibiotics.
Three sick infants: Two in incubators, one on oxygen and cardiac medications, one on CPAP, two receiving IV rehydration and antibiotcs, one on continuous feeds, all requuiring close monitoring and round-the-clock care.
In terms of the space and technology that is available to us, GLA's NICU has almost reached the limit of its capacity. I am so glad that we are able to care for these three sick infants, simultaneously. I feel blessed beyond measure, by Sonia, Tania and Francisca and I am glad that we were able to say yes to each one of these beautiful girls.