Looking back over the past day and a half, I am thankful for many things. I am thankful that we were able to use extreme, life-saving measures to bring Charilson back from the brink of death, and thankful for the knowledge and skills I have gained. I am thankful that we were able to use that knowledge and those skills, to the glory of our God. I am thankful that we had everything we needed, to provide intensive care to Charilson at this orphanage, when he needed it. I am thankful that at 'such a time as this', an O negative blood donor just happened to be here, able and willing to donate blood to support charilson's embattled body, at a very critical moment. I am thankful for your prayers. I am thankful for the leading and direction of Charilson's heavenly father: the great physician. I am thankful that Charilson is alive.
Tonight, Charilson continues to improve. He is off of CPAP, and no longer needs oxygen. He has lost weight, so he still needs to be in the incubator to stay warm. He is weak, and on an IV, but he is beginning to suck again. He is absorbing his feeds, and his diarrhoea is minimal.
I don't doubt that he has received a divine touch, and I feel honored to be a participant in and a witness to Charilson's remarkable healing.
The emotions are intenese. Gladness, interwoven with relief, and pain - many of the supplies that we have now, the things that saved charilson's life, are things we haven't always had. Some of the equipment and the medication that sustained Charilson were aquired after we lost other lives. It is a victory tinged with pain, that brings me to my knees.
This thanksgiving will be especially poignant for me. This thanksgiving, I am not just thankful. This thansgiving, I owe a debt of gratitude.
I LOVE your blog! and I am thankful for you... that these sweet inocent childen have you and GLA to help, save or just show them love.
I am not a relogious person it wasnt part of my up brining but I did lets call it pray for Charilson.
:) :)
I got to your blog by way of Real Hope for Haiti. I happened to have had my first trip to Haiti about 2 weeks ago and was in Cazale when Charilson was brought there. He was so tiny and Licia was so greatful that you were able to take him to care for him. I didn't know his name and had never read your blog until today. When I saw his picture I'm not sure how but I recognized him. Thanks for your care for him. He's a miracle of strenth. I hope that he will be able to return to be a joy for his papa someday.
Answered prayer, yes!
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