In Septemeber 2008, I traveled 6000 miles to Haiti's Kenscoff mountains. My mission: to care for some of the orphaned and abandoned, the sick, malnourished and premature infants of this beautiful but beleagured Caribbean nation.

Tuesday 29 November 2011


 Little lady, we couldn't say no to you the day you arrived at our gate, and we still can't say no to you.

Celia was seen by our Pediatrician today. She was well hydrated. Most Haitian hospitals would discharge her home at this point. Since Celia wasn't out baby, I wondered if it might be best for her if we sent her back to the orphanage she came from with some instructions and supplies to enable the staff there to continue her care. I planned on giving the orphange workers the option to call for advice, or to bring Celia back if she wasn't doing well.

'But who will take care of her there?' the Doctor asked.
They have a nurse at Celia's orphanage. They also have nannies, and lots of older orphan-girls who help out with the little ones. I told the paediatrician this.

'I think she should stay here for another week or ten days.' Dr Nathalie clearly had a lot of confidence in our abilities and that was a great encouragement.

'Until the swelling has gone down, at least?' I asked. The doctor nodded. 'Ok, that sounds like a plan.'

So if her orphanage director is in agreement. Celia will stay with us at GLA, until our Paediatrician returns next week to review her. We have nurses on site 24 hours a day. People who can respond immediately if Celia develops complications during the stabilization phase of her treatment.

And anyway, she hasn't smiled yet. Until she does, and until she regains her appetite, and loses the fluid that has accumulated in her lower legs and feet, and begins gaining weight again after that, Celia is not out of the woods.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you are very busy with all these precious babies but I was wondering how Charlison and Bianca are doing?